Snoop Detained In Sweden And Claims He Was Racially Profiled - Daily Mail

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Welp, thats it for your boy Snoop in Sweden. Hope you didnt like it Doggystyle because Snoop is officially OUT on Sweden. LikeKFC Map Of Places I’d Live:

Snoop is just getting out the red marker and putting a big old X over Sweden.

Got pulled over but the po-leece for not doin nothin. It is crazy to me that Snoop Doogy Dogg is still on tour in fucking Sweden in the year 2015. Good for Calvin. Still doing shows at the age of 43 like 25 years after his rap career began. After dodging a murder case too! But I guess he just couldn’t conquer Sweden. In the East Coast West Coast Rivalry Sweden is just the really really far east coast enemy.

On Daily Mail we also got the priest who quit church in Antarctica, San Fran combating the homeless with pee resistant paint, cyclists poops in the woods and causes forest fire, Missouri man sits on his dads head and kills him

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