Jessica Simpson Turned Back The Clock This Weekend And Looked Hot On Instagram






Snip snap snip snap snip snap snip snap.  That’s how I feel about Jessica Simpson in 2015.  Make up your damn mind lady.  Is she the past-her-prime bombshell blonde who inexplicably built a billion dollar business that nobody noticed or is she still able to reach back for something extra and throw a fastball?  It seems like it changes with every Instagram post.  One day it’ll be her and her family and it looks like the days of her giving us boners have passed.  Or she’ll even go all Kelly Clarkson and balloon up a little bit.  Then this weekend comes along and she hits over the head with a picture of her looking smoking hot in a swimsuit.  Snip snap snip snap snip snap.  I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again.  Jessica Simpson’s fastball in her prime is unbeatable in history.  Tell me I’m wrong.  I’m not.  When she had it, she had it.  Dukes of Hazzard JS was primo.  So I guess it’s no surprise that sometimes she can still show us a little something.  Talent like that doesn’t just disappear.  Makes me feel very nostalgic when Jessica Simpson reminds us of the old days.



It also turns out that that’s the hot swimsuit in the the streets.


Kylie has worn it


Kendall has worn it



And smoke model Abbey Clancy has worn it









You know what’s crazy?  With the explosion of Instagram “models” all of the old Jessica Simpson pictures I found seem really tame.  I don’t think I realized just how much Instagram girls have changed what is put on the internet.  Don’t get me wrong, those pictures of Jessica are still great and her in her prime is almost unbeatable.  I’m just so used to girls putting their asses right up on the camera and leaving very little to the imagination.  Oh well.

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