I Gotta Be Honest, Pretty Impressed With Papi's Voice
So here’s another Papi and Gronk song from that unnamed coffee shop (send a check). We’ve posted all of these because everyone goes bananas for them and I’ve been beating around the bush with it a little, but they’ve all stunk pretty bad. I’m sorry, that’s just the truth. The songs have been almost as bad as that unnamed coffee shop’s bagels and food (again, send a check). However this one was pretty damn smooth. Papi sounded like fucking Enrique up there. I can just picture him laying under a coconut tree in the Dominican, strumming a ukulele and serenading everyone at the beach. In fact, come to think of it, I think that might be a Latino thing. They’re all great singers. I mean I’ve never heard a bad one, have you? Enrique, Marc Anthony, Pitbull, Ricky Martin, Daddy Yankee, Carlos Santana and that’s it. All of them awesome. So yeah, gonna file that away as fact. All Latino men, particularly ones famous for singing, are excellent singers. The more you know…