Sousaphone Player Trolls KKK Marchers
YouTube – Anti-KKK protestor was playing Tuba to make their approach sound lumbering and stupid…stupid is as stupid does.
Diana Martin 13 hours ago (edited) – For those who didn’t understand I was there to protest with the African American groups, other black folks, and people of ALL colors. There were MORE protestors than KKK! Oh and I had to hold it with one hand with my other hand carrying stuff, so get over your vertical snobbery! The home and back button works better vertically, one-handed…and it’s a Note 3, so I have problems holding horizontally. Just deal.
Mediaite July 21 - A Columbia, SC man trolled last weekend’s KKK march using nothing but his wits — and a sousaphone.
The KKK, along with various other neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations, organized a march in South Carolina Saturday in support of the Confederate flag, which was removed from before the statehouse after the assassination of nine African-American churchgoers at the hands of a white supremacist last month.
Matt Buck was on his way home from an anti-KKK rally when he intersected the march, and decided to give them their own sardonic soundtrack. Buck ran home and retrieved his sousaphone, essentially a marching tuba. In a YouTube video, Buck is heard accompanying the marchers with circus riffs and mock-bombast.
“I didn’t really know how to show my opposition, so that was my way of doing it,” he told the Charleston City Paper.
Such a sneaky great troll. I mean you have one of two options. Either get super pissed off and heckle the Klan marchers, which will probably start a fight where you may or may not get your ass kicked, and probably arrested by cops who have to uphold the law no matter what the cause is. Or, slowly walk alongside the march subtly trolling everybody with a sousaphone. Sad trombone noises up and down the streets of the racist rally. Price Is Right Losing Horn noises following you all around your hate march.
Love it. Matt Buck – the Sousaphone playing hero we need right now.