"Lebron Should Call This Trainwreck 2 Because The Finals Were Trainwreck 1" -Charles Barkley, Murdering Lebron




HAHA! You’re Dead Lebron, DEAD. Charles just murdered you. Trainwreck 1, nah bro, Trainwreck 2, Trainwreck 1 was already your real life when you lost in the Finals. 2-4 all time. Signed, the guy who never won a ring. Hey wait a second?


Seriously, I’m all for bashing Lebron, but come on Chuck, people don’t forget.


How’s that $20k earring working out for you, fat fuck.



In other news, Charles actually kind of sort of fixed his golf swing.





And Lebron went to a Summer League game on Friday night. Not sure which one he is though, tough to spot.




And David, this is why no one will ever respect you, be a man dude, fight for some shoulder space one time.



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