Nintendo 64 And TMNT Highlight This Nostalgic Edition Of Porn Comments Of The Week

If it’s Friday, it’s Top Pornhub Comments of the Week. A time where even though we just had to go through the absolute worst sports week of the year, at least we can be thankful about not being complete freakbodies who feel the need to comment on internet porn. It’s all about the small victories in life. And with that in mind, let’s just get right to it.

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Soooo I’m pretty sure this chick wants someone to fuck her in the ass.

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Probably the greatest review that any orgy could ever receive. Giving a man some big giant ghost loads is like getting a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes.

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After his breakdown of the best 12 N64 games of all time, I’m going to assume that all 3 of these accounts belong to none other than Charles Wisconsin.

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BarackNDatAzzObama. Have yourself a week, young man.

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If there’s anywhere to turn for parenting advice this day in age, it is 100% the comment section of Pornhub.

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One day there will be a next Beethoven, a next Johann Sebastian Bach, a next Chopin. And that pianist will look back on the day he jerked off to “Tushy Punished Teen Carter Cruise Gets Sodomized” as the source of all his inspiration.

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Not really a great comment by any means but I just love the fact that porn accounts are being traded around like Pokemon cards or some shit.

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“Dial up the showtunes, Bro!” is now the only comeback I will ever use to being called a faggot. (shoutout to a devoted Stoolie for passing along this gem)

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I, too, would like to know the answer to this question. I’d pay some good money for a Michaelangelo action figure right now. Also, Street Sharks were the tits growing up and way better than playing with TMNT. Hot take, I know. But I live by the rule of Facts Only.

And that wraps up this week in freaks. Hope this was as fun for everyone else as it was for me. As always, if you come across any great comments throughout your travels to Pornhub, feel free to pass them along to @BarstoolJordie on Twitter. And you can always just follow me just to be awesome friends. Have yourselves a weekend, you guy. You earned it. Stay sexy out there.


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