Carlos Osorio. Shutterstock Images.

DON'T LET BRIAN CASHMAN GET HOT FOLKS!!!! Corey Kluber is headed to the Bronx! The Yankees might actually have themselves a rotation in 2021 after all huh? Just when you thought they forgot the offseason was even going on here comes Cashman dropping his nuts on the table. 

People forget, Corey Kluber is two years removed from being a 20 game winner and one of the best pitchers in the American League. Don't tell me this guy is washed up because I'm sure that's the haters response to this. Obviously since 2018 he's run himself into multiple injuries including a broken arm and more severely a torn muscle in his shoulder that caused to miss all but one inning of the 2020 season. Not ideal, but that's why the Yanks are able to get him on this kind of deal and I love it. We're looking at a one year contract for $11 million. It's the ultimate prove it deal for Kluber/low risk high reward for the Yankees. 

Eric Cressey, who took over the Yankees strength and conditioning department a year ago, oversaw Kluber's rehab from the injury so you have to imagine the Yankees have a strong idea of how he's looking at the current moment. Kluber threw for 25 teams a few days ago and impressed pretty much everyone with a set of eyeballs who was in attendance. 

Cashman signed two robots today: The Fucking Machine himself DJ LeMaheiu and the Bot Corey Kluber. Have a fucking day Cash God. If Kluber can regain his form from 2018 we're looking at a phenomenal front end of the rotation with Severino back in the summer.  Now let's get some relievers. Ideally multiple if possible. 

What a day. 

Oh it was a nice thought Section 10, now go fuck yourselves.

World Series back on. 

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