Dana White Met With Khabib Nurmagomedov Today To Try To Convince Him Not To Retire

Earlier today, the long-awaited meeting between Dana White and Khabib Nurmagomedov went down in Abu Dhabi after a UAE Warriors show Dana was scouting talent at....

Dana White has been talking up this meeting for weeks now - maybe even months! 

Pretty much since Khabib left his gloves in the center of the octagon at UFC 254 at a career 29-0, citing a conversation with his mother following the death of his father, we were told, "This may not actually be the end of the road for Khabib."

Some were bringing up his father's desire for Nurmagomedov to get to 30-0, the potential of an unbelievably huge buyrate for a Conor McGregor rematch, and even a possible superfight with Georges St-Pierre, but at the end of the day - I'm not really sure Khabib cares about any of that. I guess we'll have to wait and see, but money is no object for him, and after his father died, he really seemed to want to be done and just left alone.

Plus, if this meeting DIDN'T go the way Dana wanted it to, maybe I could convince him to put the title up for grabs in the McGregor/Poirier fight!

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