Ernie Boch Jr. Is On A Giving Spree These Eyes Haven't Seen Since "Brewster's Millions"

Last night Ernie Boch Jr. singlehandedly took the Barstool Fund total from just over 24 Million to just over 25 Million (TWENTY FIVE MILLION) by donating a cool $1,000,000.

Absolutely astounding and he got lots of praise on social media and he deserves even more.

This comes on the heels of going straight up Brewster's Millions in Boston proper the other night.

Boston Herald- Here’s proof 2021 will be a better year for bars in Boston.

A generous tipper handed out $2,021 to the wait staff at six different establishments Wednesday night in what’s being hailed as a much-needed shot of goodwill.

“It’s a ray of sunshine in this storm and an inspiration to others,” Doug Bacon, president of Red Paint Hospitality Group, said of the tips that add up to more than $12,000.

His young server was the recipient of a $2,021 tip at the Corner Tavern on Marlborough Street. Bacon said the phased reopening orders from the Baker administration and shutdowns during the pandemic has the left the industry reeling.

“It’s worse than anyone can imagine. People in the industry are just getting by. But this brings hope,” said Bacon, who owns eight restaurants and bars in Boston. “There are good things coming on the horizon.”

Corner Tavern server Conor Gallivan, 29, said the tip was “overwhelming” and he immediately used it to pay off a few bills.

“It was just a random Wednesday night in a year like this and that tip was stunning,” Gallivan said. “It’s an absolute blessing.”

Ernie Boch Jr. admitted to the Herald — after a reporter tracked him down — that he was the champion tipper.

The music-loving car magnate said he feels bad for businesses just trying to keep the door open, so he dug deep into his own pockets.

“It’s just so outrageous what’s happening,” Boch said. “So many stores are just gone. Shuttered. I just want to try to do my part.”

He’s also challenging Bostonians to do whatever they can to tip and frequent their favorite restaurants. “If you can do it, do it!” he added.

First off, respect to The Corner Tavern for hanging in there and not giving up through all this. It's been just as brutal, if not worse, for Boston restaurants and bars during all this as it has for Chicago. Like so many spots in Boston, Corner Tavern is an institution. (With a fuckin fire meatloaf burger btw).

Secondly, what a fuckin gesture by Ernie Boch Jr. going around town and tipping hard-working folks $2021. 

This, and his donation to the Barstool Fund are the kinds of stories we need to hear more about, to show us that there are still a lot of good people in this world. And to hopefully inspire others to follow the lead. 

Hats off to Ernie. A class act.

p.s. - If you have no idea what Brewster's Millions is do yourself a favor and watch it this weekend. You can thank me later.

p.p.s.- looked everywhere for the Kramer commercials but couldn't find anything. These vintage ones of his old man are pretty great though

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