SEPTA: Drunk Ratchet Takes On Old Geezer In The Bus Fight Of The Century

Just when you think civilization’s turning the corner for the better, Septa decides to open her big yap again. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Riding SEPTA, bus or train, is easily one of the most hated things about Philadelphia. Every sense is tested to its breaking point. The sights of fupas everywhere taking up multiple seats. The smell/taste of piss in the air. The sounds of black people on their phones. Everything is downright miserable. After playing peacemaker for 5 seconds longer than she’s humanly required, that driver should’ve just taken that bus directly into the Schuylkill. It would’ve done a lot of people on and off that vehicle a favor, including herself.

At least the old bag of bones lands punches harder than I do in my dreams. One of these days I’ll get that KO in my sleep. One of these days.

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