18 Innings Later


Winning in the 9th with 2 outs. And he pulled Zimm. Who was pitching lights out. Retired 100 Giants in a row. Yanked him. 9 innings later, goodnight. Is what it is what it is. Playoff baseball. It’s deflating. We’ve all been there. Nats are in a 2-0 hole now. Going out to San Fran to face Bumgarner. Nats in 5? It’s possible. Crazier things have happened. I try to stay optimistic and upbeat, but we all know the outcome. We are a Caps team losing to the 8 seed. We are a Wizards team drafting Kwame Brown. We are a Redskins team…well..name anything at all. The Nats were the hope. The chosen one. But yet, round and round it goes. To the point where it’s expected. Like, it bothers you because you build up so much hope – this is the year it changes – only for it to come crashing down on you. I guess that’s the burden we must bear.



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