This "Road Rage" Incident Shows Why Canada Will Never Be A Superpower
If you are from Canada, you have to be hiding your face in disgust after this video came out. I always knew Canadians were a friendly bunch, but acting like that during a road rage incident is embarrassing. How is some little bitch wearing pink shorts the aggressor in this fight? If you talk like that to a bald guy wearing an orange shirt in America, you are kissing pavement within 5 seconds, especially after throwing a pump fake punch.
Meanwhile, you have some “cop” yelling at you like he’s your dad from an overpass. “Hey back in the car. Grow up!” is just so emasculating. And the “Come on, boyyys. Everybody’s a winner, don’t worry” line killed me. Just sooooo Canadian. Be a real country for me ONE TIME, Canadia.
By the way, I put quotes around “cop” earlier because he doesn’t appear to be a mountie. I thought all Canadian cops were mounties, which is apparently not the case. Does that make me ignorant? Perhaps. But the only things I know about the outside world is what I learned through 90s wrestling. And this guy was an all-time great WWF character with a criminally underrated entrance song.