Dick Doppelgangers And Mountain Dew Highlight This Edition Of Top Porn Comments Of The Week

Just because Fourth of July weekend is over doesn’t mean the patriotism goes away

If it’s Friday, it’s Top Pornhub Comments of the Week. A time where we can all gather around the camp fire and enjoy some of the finer things in life. The finer things, of course, being that we aren’t complete freakbodies who comment on internet porn. So without further ado, here’s the best of the best those skeezeballs had to offer this week.

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Glad to see 69luv69 finally starting to get back to a regular schedule. And hey, 69. That’s what everyone says after every time they bust. So much shame and guilt.

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“Dick doppelganger” is just so damn poetic. Also, everyone needs to stop talking shit on palmelahanderson’s dick, you guys. Fucking jerks.

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Only person I know that is really into ghosts is Big Cat. This you, Dan?

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Feel free to discuss this one. Maybe this could end up being Barstool’s version of BuzzFeed’s dress debate.

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Recycled joke, low-hanging fruit but I don’t care. Lose some weight, baby girl.

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Need to know how much cum is an un-human amount of cum. Also that doesn’t seem very enjoyable at all.

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Anything you say after declaring you’re not racist is good to go. Also, did this jackass just say he’s a parent? Someone had actual real life sex with someone who comments on Pornhub? What a time to be alive.

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Code Red or GTFO.

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Aaaaaaaand this is where I think I start to lose control of the Pornhub comment section. This weekly post is about to go to shit now.

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So this gem of a thread was spotted by a devoted Stoolie and between this and all the lasagna talk the past few weeks, I think it’s about time the Pornhub commenters get their own cooking show. Could be interesting. And terrifying.

And that wraps up this week in freaks. Thanks a lot for stopping by. If anyone comes across any golden comments throughout their journeys, feel free to send them over to @BarstoolJordie on the Twitter machine. Or just follow me for fun and we can be friends and shit like that. Hope everyone has themselves a dope ass weekend and stay sexy out there.


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