Buzz Williams Was So Damn Sweaty He Had To Change His Shirt Mid-Game And Then Just Started Dancing On The Sidelines

Just Buzz being Buzz.  Haters can hate about it but this is how the dude operates, always has – just loving life and having some fun.  Also sweating. Buzz is on the Mt. Rushmore of sweaty dudes with Sean Miller and Patrick Ewing as locks. The dude just drips in sweat and acts like a crazy person on the sidelines. I can't get enough of him. Shit, remember when he just started doing karate out of nowhere? 

Now he's out here dancing during an 11am local time tip. Love it. This is the type of dude we need more of in the sport. Give me a guy that's willing to say whatever, act a little crazy and provide content. Buzz is at the top of the list when it comes to that. Pretty strong dance moves too. Might have to save that one whenever we're allowed to hit the dance floor again. Will be a nice change from just the arm movement I typically do.

Great spinzone there too Buzz. Yeah I just sweat a lot because of the mask. That's totally it. I don't alway sweat my ass off that I have to go through multiple shirts during a game. Never, ever happened before. Also shout out his grandparents who just apparently are the reason why he can't wear a pullover. Gotta dress for the job you want. 

Never forget how fucking sweaty Sean Miller was during the NCAA Tournament

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