Did This House With Penis Christmas Lights On Top Save A Woman's Life? Yes, Yes It Did.

Just when you think 2020 can't get any stranger, we stumble upon a story like this. A woman from Annapolis, MD says a house with Christmas lights in the shape of a penis on it's roof saved her life. Yes, you read that correctly. 

"Melissa Shanker wasn’t planning to go out on Dec. 12, but she left her home on a whim — just before it burned to the ground — to see the home in Cape St. Claire that went viral on social media. 

The penis lights kept her from harm,” said Mary Newman, Shanker’s friend. “It was a Christmas miracle.”

A true Christmas miracle indeed, saved by the penis lights. Let me be serious, it is a miracle that Melissa Shanker and her 6-year old daughter were not in the house when it caught on fire. It's terribly sad that the house was burned down and nothing is salvageable. Couldn't imagine having that happen. But you have to think she was happy that her and her daughter decided to go out and attempt to find the famous "Penis Lights" house in Cape St. Claire.

I mean look at that big, veiny masterpiece. How do you not try and find it? The article says Melissa and her daughter set out to find it, couldn't find the house and decided to head home. Then they got a call from a friend who said they knew where it was, and they pulled a U turn to find said penis house. The house wasn't lit up when they did eventually find it, but thank god they attempted to go see the piece, because that's when their house caught fire. Quite a story to tell everyone on why they weren't home when the fire broke out. 

What a quote from Melissa here too...

Had we not been out looking for the Cape Penis house who knows what kinds of injuries myself and friends could have sustained,” Shanker said. “Now, knowing that it could have saved our lives I’m more determined than ever to see the penis house relit.

It's true. The penis house saved her life. She should be forever grateful for the penis lights. Penis Navidad everyone!

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