Coach K Basically Says The Best Moment Of His Life Was Getting A Picture With Beyonce

Sporting News – Mike Krzyzewski’s players keep him young, that’s for sure. In a recent town hall-style interview with local station WRAL, Coach K talked about his secret Twitter account, his desire to listen to his players’ tastes in music…oh, and that time that he met Beyonce.

The now-infamous photo made the rounds on Twitter nearly two years ago when Krzyzewski was on hand to introduce LeBron James as Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman of the Year. He recalled Jay-Z, Beyonce’s husband, sitting front row next to him and “Beyonce was over there. I wanted to meet her,” he said.

“After the (event) was over, I had to get back and (the photographers) took a photo of me, Jay-Z and LeBron. My street cred is just bouncing high,” he laughed, explaining the seminal moment of the night.

“But I didn’t get to meet her, so I went up and said ‘I’m Coach K’ and she says ‘I just heard you speak for 10 minutes. I know who you are.'”

“So I felt like 13, and then I asked her — something I hardly ever ask anyone to do — would you please take a picture with me?”

He joked about being beet red in the photo and his nervousness — “It looks like me being petrified,” he said.

Haha, SUCH a Coach K story. 2 years later and still turning bright red gushing to anybody who will listen about that time he met Beyonce. 5 time national champion…1,018 wins…5 Gold Medals in international competition…Basketball Hall of Fame inductee…and the highlight of his life was taking a pic with Queen Bey like he’s a 13 year old girl. I mean this is the story he told in 2013 about it –

“So anyway I go up on stage and do 10 minutes and say really nice things about LeBron, Jay and of course Beyonce. The event’s over, and this is where my street cred, like, was bouncing all over the world. I’m asked to come up on stage and take a picture with LeBron and Jay. So it’s LeBron, Jay, and K. It’s on Twitter, Instagram, I don’t know, was Vine going then? It’s on all that crap. I mean in Hong Kong, Beijing, Moscow. My shit’s going all over the place. I am the coolest 65-year-old [inaudible]. However, however, what I want has not happened yet. I want to meet Beyonce. … I go up to Beyonce. You know how guys think they have a lot of good lines? And, so I go up and I’m nervous as I can be. I’m like a teenager. And I go to her with a great line. I say, ‘Hi, I’m Coach K.’ And she said, ‘Coach, I know who you are. I just listened to you for 10 minutes.’ Like, patting me on the head. Little boy. So now I feel like I’m 11. So what’s my next line? I come up and I say, ‘You’re my favorite.’ My face is red as can be, you know, I’m like 4 feet tall right now. And she says, ‘Well, that’s nice.’ And I asked her — and I don’t usually do this — but I said, ‘Would you take a picture with me?’ So she takes a picture with me and I look, really, like I’m 12. But my street cred, as big as the other one was, goes everywhere. So, tonight, it’s not like being with Beyonce — it’s as good as being with Jay Z.” [CBS]

Hilarious. One of the greatest, if not the single greatest college hoops coach of all time moonlighting as a dorky Beyonce fanboy. Do you Coach K.


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