Carter Capps Balks Every Pitch And I Don't Care What Major League Baseball Says





I think we’ve mentioned this before but he’d never thrown against my team so I didn’t really give a shit, now he is. And that’s a balk. I’ve never been to ump school, never looked at a baseball rule book, I just know that’s a balk. I read that MLB said it’s fine as long as he doesn’t get too high on his jumps, or something like that, but that’s bullshit. Use your brain, use your eyes, that’s a balk. Baseballs that go over the fence are home runs, baseballs caught in the air are outs, if you get tagged off a base you’re out, and if you use the rubber as a springboard to launch your release 3 feet closer to the plate and do some 2 Step/Crip Walk looking thing then you’re balking. Those are the rules of baseball in their entirety.

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