You'll Never Believe It But It Turns Out The Women's World Cup Team Earned A Way Higher Revenue Percentage Than The Men




Breakdown via



Whoa. So it turns out this whole thing wasn’t some sexist scandal to keep ladies from breaking through their glass ceiling and it was just a very simple dollars and cents thing? It’s just that the World Cup made over 3.5 billion while the Women’s World Cup raked in a mere 50 million? Who would have ever guessed that except for anyone who sat down and thought about it with their brains for two seconds? These chicks didn’t even get what the guys got, they were paid 4x what the guys were. What more could you possibly want? International soccer isn’t charity. They can’t just make money appear out of air and drop it in your coffers like you’re some homeless bum on the street. Like I said this morning, want more money? Make more money.


I will say this, these were some lame ass gold medals. If the ladies want to complain less about revenue share and more about getting St Patrick’s Day chocolates tied to a ribbon then I’ll side with them. Sweet Yeezy’s though so it kinda evens out.



h/t @DonnyInsider/@PeterBalisha


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