Here's All The Highlights From Jahlil Okafor's Summer League Debut Cause What The Hell Else Do We Have Besides Hope?

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76ers Summer League Basketball. CAN YOU FEEL THE ACTION!!!!!

Seriously, this is what it’s come down to. I was outright GIDDY watching this kid play last night because, well, what the fuck is there to be happy about in this town? The Eagles are a few months away. The Flyers are moving in the right direction but still have a long way to go. The Phillies are worth their weight in dog piss (seriously – they’re currently 5+ games back. No, not of the Division lead or last WC spot, behind the NEXT LAST PLACE TEAM IN THE MAJORS. I HATE THIS TEAM.). That’s exactly why watching a SUMMER LEAGUE GAME for a team that has finished right down the shitter the past two season makes it somewhat move. And I don’t know if that’s exciting or depressing. Probably a happy medium.

20 points, by far the best on the court and Okafor still says he could’ve played better giving himself a C- grade. Love it. Cue it.

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