Tom Cruise Gets Secretly Recorded Going Absolutely Fucking BANANAS On His Crew For Violating Covid Protocol On The Set Of Mission Impossible 7

Any other time in history and I would destroy Tom Cruise. Speaking like that? To adults? No sir. I'd call him an entitled celebrity and bring up every time he ever fucked up.  Every little misstep, every little wierdo moment, anything he's ever done that paints him in a negative light I'd bring to forefront...but not this. This is something that he's 100% right on and I love it. 

Should he go nuts like that? Of course not, but I understand why he did. He said it in his rant- they're (he's) providing thousands of jobs, if the movie gets shut down, that's people who won't be able to provide for their families. Simple as that. He also said this...

Heavy stuff when you think about it. And you know what else? I genuinely think he cares. So let's cut Tom a break on this one. Besides, we all want to see Mission Impossible 7. Take it away, Les…











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