Roger Federer Says His Knee is Not 100 Percent And Puts Serious Doubt In Returning To Tennis

During an awards ceremony on Sunday Roger Federer was dubbed Switzerland's greatest athlete of the past 70 years and gave a speech that has sent me into a mini-depression. Feels like they just made up this award so the presenters could meet Roger Federer. I don't blame them one bit. Side not, why just the last 70 years? Since Switzerland became a thing no has been greater than Federer. He is God to those people and there's no close 2nd. This fact will continue until the sun engulfs the Earth and destroys all that we've ever known.
Quick back story here, Federer had to miss the beginning of 2020 after undergoing knee surgery following the Aussie Open. The plan was to come back for Wimbledon, but then the pandemic happened. Roger suffered a setback that forced him to have a 2nd operation in the summer and miss the entire season. As of a few weeks ago the reports from his team were raving at how he looked. There was no sign of doubt or fear that he would be missing the upcoming Aussie Open, now in February. Welp, all that now hangs in the balance following his words the other day.
"I would have hoped that I would be at 100 percent by October," Federer said, according to Swiss news outlet SRF. "But I still am not [100 percent] today. It will be tight for the Australian Open. I wish I was further along, but at the same time I'm satisfied with where I am at the moment." -ESPN
The fact that it's December and we're not at 100 percent is NOT GOOD. Granted, the man is now 39 years old so you have to understand healing from two knee surgeries ain't what it used to be for him. You read that quote above and think okay maybe he just misses the Aussie to give himself more time for Wimbledon and the upcoming Olympics which he values a shit ton. Then you read this quote…
"I stand here tonight with an incredibly good feeling and share that with all of you," he said while accepting the award. "I hope that there will be something to see with me next year. If not, then that's an unbelievable end point. "I hope that in 2021 I will return to the courts. We will see. But if my career had to end here, well it would be incredible to end it with this award.""
Well fuck me to tears. Fuck. Fuck Fuck. Fuck. This is not how Roger Federer goes out. I simply won't allow it. This dude needs a send off for the ages from stadiums full of people all year long. He's not allowed to walk away like this. Not acceptable sorry pal. Jeter and Federer have always been 1a and 1b for my favorite athletes growing up. Jeter was able to get his send off in 2014 and the walk off single versus the O's in his final game ever at Yankee Stadium. Federer just slipping away into the night cannot happen. The world would crumble.
The positives here… He never said the 'retiring' word. Maybe he just needs to skip the Aussie so he can be sure to play the summer. I'll keep telling myself that to stay sane. Despite all he's done in his career, Roger has never won the Olympic gold meal for singles (he won doubles with Wawrinka). It's the only thing that's eluded him and you can bet your ass he wants that more than anything. With the Olympics postponed a year, that gave him a chance to go get it so if he feels more time off gets him to Tokyo then he's probably going to take it at this point in his career. Of course along with that are Wimbledon and the US Open which are his favorite grand slams. I wouldn't be shocked if Fed is buried underneath the Wimbledon grounds when/if he dies. The Aussie Open has been great to the Swiss Maestro, but the summer slams hold a special place to him. Still with covid under control in the world down under, crowds are expected to be around 50% when things get going in February. Who is to say what any other tournament has in terms of crowds. It would be awesome to see Fed in Melbourne come a few months. As he says, "it's a race against time."
Still though, none of this is good. The thought of him never stepping on a court again is legitimately horrifying and something I don't need on my mind. Is it house money that he's still even trying to play considering where he was a few years ago? Definitely, but this man needs a proper send off more than anyone.
I always get shit for this on The Short Porch because Tommy and Marty are "too cool" with their lives to do it, but I always find myself late at night on YouTube watching throwback sports highlights. I've watched a great deal of Federer clips during the pandemic that I'm not proud of admitting. Once you click play you can't stop.