A Cop Completely Emasculated Some Guy Trying To Act Tough Carrying Around A Semi Automatic Weapon


From the second this video opens up and the guy starts passive aggressively trying to tell the cop he’s impeding traffic I knew we were in for a doozy of a human trying to “keep cops in check.” And obviously sometimes cops do need to be kept in check, not everyone can be perfect every time no matter what position of power they’re in. But the problem is the guy filming this is clearly one of those Reddit or Alex Jones types who thinks he knows the law because he read or blog or two and now he has to put The Man in his place with his superior Internet message board knowledge. But this cop not only took in stride, even treated him like a little kid getting an honorary detective’s badge when he said he could join the voluntary services. I’m genuinely impressed by how well the cop walked the line between knowing and respecting the law, putting this dude in his place, and patronizing this stuttering little fuckboy into the “I read one longform article on open carry laws on The Blaze” drain on society that he is.


Also even if this commenter got the gun wrong, he has to be in the 99th percentile of logical and well reasoned YouTube comments ever posted and frankly I’m surprised it found its way to this video of all places:


There’s a huge difference between exercising your rights to protect yourself and just being a cunt for the sake of it.

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