Smokey Robinson Did A Cameo For A Long Lost Friend With A Twist Ending For The Ages


Man that was the most endearing shit ever. You thought the big twist was the fact they grew up on the same street, but nope, it was ol' Smokey having no idea what Chanukah is. To be fair to him though, spell it with an "H" for Pete's sake. The "Ch" spelling will throw off anyone, especially 80 year old Smokey Robinson. I mean think about it this way- you ever sit there completely dumbfounded, unable to think of a word to put in an email? That happens to me every day while blogging. I'll sit here for minutes at a time, completely unable to think of a very common word, and I'm only 32. I don't want to think about how fried my brain will be by the time I'm 40, nevermind 80. So obviously I stand with Smokey here. 

Nice guy Smokey though is going to re-do it, which isn't necessary because as I said before, this one was endearing as hell. It didn't matter that he didn't know what he was wishing them, he did it with a smile on his face (and because he got paid $350 for that video, but that's neither here nor there)



I could spend forever looking at people's prices on Cameo. Some are way too low, some are way too high, and some make you wonder who is getting a Cameo from that person. It also makes me think of the duality of life. For example,



NSYNC was the biggest boy band of my formative years. They would shut down New York City. And now Chris Kirkpatrick is doing $100 Cameos. Things like that fascinate me. 

Best bang for your buck though?





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