If You Come At Chuck Knoblauch On Twitter, Prepare To Get Burned



I know people say our society is in the toilet in 2015. Selfie sticks, Instagram, kids using cell phones at the age of 5, all of it. Well guess what, you take the good with the bad, because what we also have in 2015 is former 2nd baseman and man who can’t throw to first, Chuck Knoblauch, absolutely torching fools on twitter. This is how you burn people, this is how you let the Internet know to not mess. Chuck Knoblauch, man with small brain who occasionally likes to hit women would like you all to know, don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing.





It all started with this tweet about Verducci




Which lead to the bloodbath




So good




Oh you want some more Aaron Gleeman?






My personal favorite. I think the second you are born you’re old enough to pee but maybe this is some next level shit I don’t even understand.




Sometimes you just have to keep it simple.





And finally beating people so bad they delete their original tweets. Don’t make Chuck bring the pee jokes back out, it’s the holiday weekend.



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