Rikishi Fighting The Undertaker On The Top Of Hell In A Cell Was Easily The Most Scared I Have Ever Been In My Life



I don't know if there will ever be a scarier moment in my lifetime than this one right here. I've been in car crashes, woken up outside after blacking out, and have worked for Dave Portnoy for nearly a decade, but nothing will compare to the anxiety I had as an 11 year old watching Rikishi's 400 pound ass fighting the Undertaker on top of that cage. You just KNEW Rikishi was about to die. We'd seen what Taker had done to Mick Foley, tossing him like a bag of flour through the announce table. We'd also seen Mick Foley go THROUGH the cell before, so you knew that thing could give out at any moment.

So when Rikishi climbed up there with Taker, I thought I was just going to witness a death for the first time in my life. I vividly remember that feeling, like alright, this is it, I'm about to see a 400 pound Samoan in a diaper fall to his death. And then...bang.



Thank GOD that truck bed happened to be in the right place at the right time. I was so relieved. 

But on the real, regardless of the truck being there, that's still ballsy as HELL for Rikishi to do that spot. You ever fall off the couch? Shit hurts like a motherfucker. Rikishi basically did a 15 foot trust fall onto a bail of hay. They certainly did not feel good on the ol buns. Sure he had a lot of meat to take the impact, but I'll tell you what, a 15 foot fall is a 15 foot fall no matter what it's on to. 

Later in my life I saw Shane O'Mac jump off the cell at Cowboys Stadium and while it was cool, nothing will ever come remotely close to the feeling of seeing Rikishi take that plunge to his death.

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