Crazy Motherfucker In A Kayak Catches a Monster Shark, Which Then Capsizes His Kayak Making Him Swim For His Life


Holy shit this guy is nuts. Woooo’ing like Ric Flair all over the place, about a foot away from death, not a care in the world. Hey bro, let the fucking 10 foot shark go. You’re in a kayak with the buoyancy of a lead pipe, it’s just not worth it. What’s the end game? How can this ever go in his favor? Make like Elsa and just let it go. The fact he got back in the kayak and continued to try to reel it in is simply fascinating. Would love to just ask him what his goal there was. If he goes his whole life without losing a limb it’s a fucking miracle.


PS: I promised to keep the stoolies up to date on shark attacks, and there’s been 2 more in North Carolina this week. I couldn’t even blog them because it’s gotten kinda sad. Just people being bit left and right in knee deep water. I’m trying to be a super hero, saving lives from behind my laptop, but sometimes it seems that the sharks are more powerful than the blogger. Stay safe out there this weekend. Sharks can smell hot dogs from miles away.

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