Happy "Harvey, deGrom, Syndergaard, and Matz All Cost Less Than $2 Million Combined" Day!

Oh all the unoriginal fucking hacks out there are tweeting about Bobby Bonilla? Tweeting about the $1.2 million he’s paid today until the year 2035? Tweeting about how much more money he makes than all the young players on this team? Well to those dicks, I say – you’re focusing on the wrong half of the story.

The story aint how Bobby Bonilla is making $1.2 million. The story is how Harvey and deGrom are making $1.2 million COMBINED. The story is how Matz and Syndergaard are roughly another 600 grand combined. Thats 4 of the best young pitchers in baseball for under 2 million. Thats the real story. Why isnt anyone talking about that! Why isnt anyone talking about the time value of money! Why isnt anyone calculating the net present value at the risk free rate! Why arent the Mets using all that extra money they arent paying to their stud pitching for better bats! Why doesnt Bobby Bonilla actually suit up and play! He’d probably bat like 5th or 6th! Fuck you Bobby Bonilla! Fuck you Darren Rovell! Fuck you Jeff Wilpon!

Seriously fuck Bobby Bonilla day.

PS – For real the fact that the all of the talented players on the Mets probably cost less than like $5 million and they still refuse to spend more money on the offense is sickening. Its like hey heres a bunch of free All Stars, go spend your money elsewhere and you’ll definitely contend. And the Mets are just like Nah we’re good we gotta pay Bobby Bo on July 1st. God. Damnit.

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