Whitey Bulger's Penmanship Is One Of the Most Amazing Things I've Ever Seen






So this is the letter from Dana’s Whitey Bulger blog yesterday and I don’t think I’m overstating it when I say that is the most remarkable handwriting I’ve ever seen in my entire life. It’s fucking flawless, like they should have Whitey re-write the Constitution while he’s behind bars then they should burn that old chicken scratch they’ve got over in DC. Just throw it away because it’s embarrassing to have it associated with our great country when we’ve got the Calligraphy master living amongst us over here. I’ve always put a ton of stock in a person’s handwriting so I think with this new information I’m gonna have to go ahead and demand Whitey’s release. Mayyyyybe he’s a terrible person who murders in cold blood, but he definitely has the penmanship of an angel. I’ve never met a bad person who could write like that, fact. Good people always have great handwriting (sidenote: I have shit handwriting because I am shit.)

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