The First Trailer For The "I Am Chris Farley" Documentary Is Here





WELP. Here we go.  The first trailer for the Farley documentary titled “I Am Chris Farley” has arrived.  My initial reaction is I don’t know how to react.  I mean it’s gonna be awesome.  There’s no doubt about that.  It’s basically gonna be all of Farley’s friends and all of the people who knew him talking about him for 2 hours or however long it is.  That’ll be great.  All I want to do is hear about Farley all day every day.  The stories will be fantastic and I can’t wait.  The flip side is that I’m gonna cry my balls off during the movie.  That’s just a given and I have to prepare myself for that.  The downward spiral, the drugs, the addiction, the weight gain and eventual death is gonna be rough stuff.  With that said, the trailer got me even more excited for this thing to come out and I didn’t think it was possible for me to be more excited.  My favorite part of the trailer was Lorne Michaels calling him “infuriatingly talented.”  Perfect description.  All the talent in the world and gone way too soon.  The GOAT.

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