Woman Tricks Her Husband Into Thinking He Has To Run A Turkey Trot On Thanksgiving Day

I say this with no disrespect to the Nardini Run Club or Largini Walk Club...but I genuinely cannot think of a worse way to spend a Thanksgiving than going for a run. I get why people do it, I just can't ever imagine a scenario where I would. My ideal Thanksgiving includes waking up around 10:00 AM, pouring myself a cocktail, and eating myself to death. If I sweat I want it to meat-induced, not due to physical activity. This poor guy feels the same way. You can see the dread on his face the second she brings it up...

He even said he "jogs on the treadmill" to try and get out of it. That's like when me and my brother used to tell my mom we'd watch Christmas mass on TV so we didn't have to go to church. It's not the same thing, dude. Shout out to everyone attempting to better themselves this holiday season. My diet starts Monday. 

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