Largest Rubber Duck In The World (Ever Heard Of It?) Is Set To Take Sail In Philly This Weekend – Mama Duck, the world’s largest known rubber ducky, will be making its Philadelphia-area debut on the Delaware River as part of the Tall Ships Festival Thursday afternoon.

Weighing in at 11 tons and soaring 61 feet, the duck, which has drawn throngs around the globe, will be pulled by a tug for part of the 1 p.m. Parade of Sail, said organizer Craig Samborski of Minnesota-based Draw Events. Then, for the rest of the festival, which ends Sunday, this mountain of yellow vinyl with the friendly countenance will reign over the Camden waterfront. It will rest atop a pontoon about 100 feet from land, in the august company of those majestic ships on both sides of the river. Get ready for the selfies.

The city of Philadelphia is having it’s moment right now. When you’re hot, you’re hot. That’s what the kids in the streets are saying these days and that’s exactly what is going on in the City of Brotherly Love. People love to clown on Philly. Oh your sports teams are absolute garbage. Your women are ugly. Your people can’t read and the whole city smells like shit. Blah blah fuckity blah. Well I got 3 words for you dick cheeses. Giant. Rubber. Duck. The largest one in the world to be exact. You know that big ass planet we all live and breathe on? Well this is the tallest rubber duck that it has to offer. Do you see the tallest rubber duck in the world hitting the seas in Boston? Hell no. Do you see the tallest rubber duck in the world sailing in New York? Fuhgeddaboudit. Do they even have a body of water in Iowa for this thing to grace? I don’t actually know. All I do know is that all the other cities can keep their silly little sports championships. Those are just games. This giant rubber duck is some real life shit and it belongs to the beautiful people of Philadelphia now.

Things Philadelphia Now Has That You Don’t:

1) Tallest Rubber Duck In The World

2) The first ever Sex Toy Vending Machine

3) Cool Pope Franky coming in September

4) Tim Tebow

5) Some Soccer Championship next month that the USMNT will win (I’m sure Sam will tell you more about the Gold Cup)

6) A Power Rangers Reunion Next April.

7) 2016 Stanley Cup Championship Parade

Stay woke.




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