Happy Birthday To The Sweetest Baseball Player Ever, Ken Griffey Jr.


Not too much to add here other than if you disagree with the title of my blog, you're an idiot. Ken Griffey, Jr. is the sweetest baseball player of all time and there's absolutely NO arguing with me. Dude was just so smooth and graceful at everything he did, whether it be robbing a dinger or putting a pass on a baseball with that beautiful swing of his, assuming another team was dumb enough to pitch to him.

It's a goddamn shame he got injured so often in Cincinnati. He was absolutely on a path to put him in the GOAT convo, I truly believe that. There wasn't a weak point in his game. Just check out these numbers from his time in Seattle compared to his time in Cincinnati: 

Just night and day, and it was so sad. Always tweaking hammies and shit from what I remember. But he DID make a massive play in the 2008 "Blackout Game" in the twilight of his career, and because of that I will love him forever

No idea how AJ hung onto that ball, but whatever 

Happy 51st, Jr.!!! We'll all mimic your swing today after we're 12 or 14 beers deep.

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