Lou Holtz's House Gets Blown Up By Lightning

OS - Fire burned through the roof of College Football Hall of Fame Coach Lou Holtz’s Lake Nona home early Sunday

Fire officials were checking with meteorologists Monday about lightning strikes as the possible cause for the fire that gutted the 11,000-square-foot home and took three hours to extinguish.

More than 60 Orlando firefighters and 26 fire vehicles responded at 2:42 a.m. to the gated Lake Nona Golf and Country Club, known for its multimillion-dollar homes near Medical City, according to fire department spokeswoman Ashley Papagni.

The fire was “knocked down” by 3:21 a.m. and extinguished at 5:59 a.m., she said. Two firefighters suffered minor injuries.

Poor fucking Lou Holtz. Old bastard just wants to quietly retire and live out the rest of his days in peace, then the second he kicks his feet up his god damn house explodes in a lightning blast. So shitty. Yeah I know he’s kind of an asshole-

But he’s OUR asshole. He’s like that senile old man asshole who 95% of the time doesn’t know what’s coming out of his mouth so you can’t really get mad about it. So when his house gets blown up by lightning and dies it’s like all of our houses got blown up.

Now let’s wash the bad taste out of our mouths by reliving Lou’s most iconic moments once again –

Lou Holtz loses his shit during Mock Trial

Lou Holtz wants to fight Mark May

“Right x23? It’s the same play! JAJDAOIDOMKDKfj Accents!”

Lou Holtz Wants to party with Johnny Manziel

Lou Holtz Sneezing is the most mystifying sound ever

Lou Holtz Forgets What A Microphone Is

…But he wants to work with smarter people.

Abdullah, Mohammed, Tomato, Tomahto

Dr. Lou segment killed it


“God put two eyes in the front of your head, not the back” – always remember that, might get it tattooed on my chest.

Lou Holtz Invents a new language

And of course…last but not least…the cowbell dance

Lou Holtz for Prethident!

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