44 Year Old Writes Letter To Rockets GM Daryl Morey Saying If He Is Drafted By The Rockets He Won't Play For Them





I love this move. Yeah you can probably look at it and say what a loser, who the fuck takes time out of their day to write an NBA GM let alone some 44 year old random bro. And part of that is right, but don’t think for a second that this didn’t sting Daryl Morey just a little bit. It had to, it’s not possible to not. I don’t care who you are or what your job is, if someone says no thanks before you even offer anything, they win. Straight and to the point, you may not have been thinking about drafting me but that’s irrelevant now because I wouldn’t even play for you in the first place. Draft me and I’ll retire, Boom Roasted Daryl.




Unrelated, how about Daryl Morey living that blog life. Do a pushup bro, one time.




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