Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 Gameplay Footage Is Here To Give You All Of The Nostalgia Boners

A very happy Throwback Thursday to you and your’s. All of my money, Tony Hawk. You can take all of it right now. It may not be much, but it’s all your’s if you want it.

Right behind sleeping and maybe eating, I’d say that I spent the most amount of time in my life playing Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. But I stopped playing after American Wasteland though because 1) that’s when games decided to start costing a million dollars and 2) I didn’t know how any of the buttons worked anymore. Kept trying to press left-square to hit a kickflip and that shit wasn’t working anymore. Went for right-triangle to drop a nasty backside boardslide but it was to no avail. And the worst part of all, I went for a left-right-circle to crush a Christ Air and there was no Christ Air to be crushed. Because everything switched over to the analog sticks and nothing in life made sense anymore. But we all get a little piece of our childhood back with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 because shit is going back to normal and life can be great again.

The School is coming back, the Warehouse is coming back, and they better be bringing back the legends like Rodney Mullen, Kareem Campbell and Geoff Rowley. Also, I’m sure they’ll be bringing back some of the all time soundtrack classics like “Goldfinger – Superman” and “Lagawagon – May 16“. Now excuse me while I go dust off the original Playstation and go Hidden Tape searching for the rest of the day.

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