39 Year Old Roger Federer: "I'm Not Retiring Anytime Soon"

However, despite admitting previously retirement crossed his mind earlier this season, he is adamant that it has now been firmly ruled out as a possibility for the time-being.
“I’m definitely not retiring now,” Federer said. “I trained last week, I should be on the court at the beginning of January.
“I am still fighting for my return, I want to be on the court, I would like to play with the legends of the game, with the best players.
“I feel that there is little left in me. I am doing well, it is a long process – not daily, but weekly.”
Not so fast father time! Despite double knee surgeries and a global pandemic, 39 year old Roger Federer is not going anywhere. Full speed ahead into January when the Australian Open rolls around. Retirement? Not a fucking chance. Fed took 2020 off to get his body right and give this thing one more shot. The last time he took this much time off was in 2017 when he went scorched Earth on everyone and turned back the clock. I'll take a second helping of that. Maybe take down Novak at Wimbledon for slam number 21? Yes please.
There's a chance Fed and Nadal are still going at it in like 2025. These bastards just don't want to stop playing and the young guys have to be fucking furious. The Next Gen thought they'd have a wide open shot of winning grand slams YEARS ago. There was thought Federer was going to hang em up almost half a decade ago and here is still chugging along. Tennis is not a sport a 39 year old human being should still be playing at a high level. It arguably takes the most toll on your body of any sport not named football. Fed doesn't give a fuck. We will see the Swiss Maestro come January.