Video: Jon Jones Chases a Burglar Away With a Shotgun

Source  - Jon Jones' fists are as good a weapon as any, but when it comes to someone allegedly trying to steal his crap at home ... nothing gets the job done like a 12-gauge!

The UFC superstar posted security footage that he says was captured at his home -- presumably, in Albuquerque, where he lives -- that shows what appears to be a man sneaking around his driveway at night, peering into cars ... and trying to make a clean getaway.

Check it out ... as the alleged burglar hears the garage open, he makes a run for it. Little does he know that JJ is a professional athlete. Not only that, he was locked and loaded!

You can see Jon give chase with what he says is a shotgun he owns, and he was catching up to the dude pretty quickly on foot. Both men run off camera, and you don't get to see what happened after ... but Jon broke it down in detail in a follow-up IG caption.

He says he ended up tapping on the driver-side window of this guy's vehicle with the muzzle of his firearm -- to us, that means he caught the dude and held him up at gunpoint and presumably waited for cops to arrive. Jon adds, "Next time you try to rob someone, make sure you’re fast enough to out run them."

I understand they're not the most sympathetic segment of the populace, but you have to pity the poor professional burglar. As hard as times are for everyone, try to imagine the challenges faced by those people who support themselves by stealing other people's stuff? Quarantine, Zoom conferencing and virtual learning have to be murder on their whole industry. When your whole livelihood relies on robbing people's homes, how can you meet your budget when nobody is ever not home? You probably can't even get a decent opioid addiction off the ground with the kind of meager income these poor forgotten leeches on society are bringing in. 

I bet it's a lot like the animal kingdom. How when human development, fire or drought shrink their habitats, they have to take greater risks to find food. Which is how you get coyotes eating people's pets or majestic bears foraging in dumpsters like common raccoons. So now guys who would ordinarily just wait until you drive off to go earn your living, break in and help themselves you the things you bought an paid for, are left with two choices. Either become home invaders  or get honest jobs, both of which are whole other levels of time, commitment and dedication. So now guys like this poor sod are reduced to breaking in where one of the baddest men on the planet is waiting inside. Armed with a weapon that would tear a hole in your chest the size of a soccer ball. 

Jones is right when he says, "People I know times are getting hard but your life isn’t worth a few material possessions." And this guy is lucky he showed the restraint that he did. Though if I'm being totally honest, I've seen Bones Jones fight. And Hamburglar here would've gotten off easier if Jones took him down with the shotgun. 

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