Restaurant Accidentally Served A Man A Glass Of Dish Detergent Instead Of Wine, He Drank It And Died

Metro- A man has died after ordering a glass of wine in a cafe and instead being given dishwasher detergent which he proceeded to drink. Andreas Lorente ordered a glass of wine on Sunday afternoon, however he was served the colourless industrial cleaner which was in an empty wine bottle left in the fridge by one of the staff in the cafe. Upon drinking the odourless detergent Mr Lorente suffered sever burns to his throat and stomach, and was rushed to hospital in Vinaros, Spain. Sadly he died before he could be airlifted to a specialist centre nearby. Police are now investigating the incident and have arrested the cafe owner on suspicion of manslaughter and have released him on bail.



Yes!  See ya, pal!  I’m glad he’s dead.  You wanna know why?  Because I can guarantee that this dude is an uber wine snob.  UBER.  The less people like him the better. One of those insufferable pricks who only drinks wines that are made with the finest squashed goat scrotum.  One of those insufferable pricks who only drinks wines that are made with the blood of a unicorn.  You know these people.  They’re the worst.  They’re in the same category as those fucking guys who drink beers that sound like the names came out of a word generator.  Old Bearded Lady Stout.  Silk Satin Chin Milk IPA.  My favorite part of this dude dying is it for sure had to do with pride.  The waitress brought out a literal glass of dishwasher detergent and he pretended like he knew what it was so not to be embarrassed in front of other wine snobs.  The liquid was blue and he was probably like, “Ahhhh yes.  The blueish color comes from a rare type of grape that is only found at the top of Mt. Everest.”  Nope.  Just dishwasher detergent and he took a big ol’ swig of it and died.  Hilarious.


PS- I really like wine by the way. Grab a random bottle off the wall and let’s have a day.

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