How About The Cubs Bullpen Catcher Catching A Foul Ball With His Ass Last Night





Yes that headline was real, bullpen catcher with the million to one shot. Think those guys are pumped for the new pen underneath the bleachers? Your backup has one job, instead he’s looking like Roger Dorn out there with that Ole bullshit and then bam, drilled in the butthole with a foul ball. Million to one.




Oh and have a weekend Starlin. Back to back walk off hits







3 out of 4 against the Reds and 4th best record in the NL. I said before this season started that I’m not going to get unrealistic, I just want the Cubs to hang late into the season, well they’re doing that and more right now. 8 walk offs this season, those are the games the Cubs ALWAYS lost up until this year. We Are Good





Had to love this guy at Wrigley last night, rocking more hair on his sideburns than most people have on their head.



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