Guy Who Volunteered to Eat Beans and Hot Dogs Out of Kirk Minihane's Toilet Draws the Line At Drinking All the Toilet Water

The Kirk Minihane Show is doing a live recording at the VFW hall in Florence, MA, and because of coronavirus capacity is strictly limited. So we thought it would be fun to raffle off some tickets and get creative with others. One Minifan, Steve from Providence, is going to walk 100 miles from Providence to Northampton for a shot to see the show. (He'll most likely die on the way.) Another Minifan has offered not only to clean our studio bathroom, but to eat baked beans and hot dogs (bun included) out of our disgusting  toilet. 

This toilet hasn't been cleaned since the Bush administration. The first one. There's a colony of bacteria growing in there that will probably start the next pandemic. But one Minifan, Louis, says he's prepared to eat a full bean supper out of that toilet.

At least, he was prepared to do so. But this morning I got the most bizarre fucking email I've ever received and all I can do is share it in full.

Say what you want about the guy who has offered to eat out of the porcelain bowl I shit in, but he's got principles.  

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