Does This Look Like A House In New York That Sold For $720,000 This Week?

NY Post - One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

In affluent Fresh Meadows, Queens, a four-bedroom home that nearby residents have long considered an eyesore — and which marketed with a viral collection of “scariest listing photos ever” — has sold for $720,000, The Post has learned.

The deal closed in late September for the 2,640-square-foot house at 50-18 196th St., according to property records filed with the city early this month. The buyer, listed as Great Neck-based Elmhurst 92 LLC, bought the home for $108,888 off its $828,888 listing price — the latter of which also shocked onlookers for the house’s widespread decrepit condition.

I've covered some other true shit hole apartments and homes in new york real estate news the past year. Namely this one- 

But this one takes the cake. 

At first I thought this was an elaborate Halloween prank by the jokesters at the NY Post. But then I found the actual real estate listing for this place. Both the buyer and the seller's information has not been made public. But I'm willing to guess the seller is definitely Dirty Mike and The Boys

So it's not a joke. 

1- how is this place not condemned?

2- who in their right mind would have the balls to list it for $820,000?

3- who in their right mind would spend $720,000 on this? (yes I know they're buying it for the land. play along with me please)

4- this place is 1000% haunted right? some gruesome twisted shit had to have gone down here.

Let's take a look at what that $720,000 is getting the lucky buyer shall we?

This is called "curb appeal". How the place looks from the street. I think we can all agree this property has it in spades.

Totally doesn't look like a house you see on the news with neighbors out front telling reporters "he was really quiet and kept to himself. We can't believe he had 20 young girls chained up in his basement."

Back yard looks like the perfect place to let your kids run around. Maybe put up a swing set, sand box. Maybe build a fire pit. Fire pits are huge right now. 

Wait. These mother fuckers had a hot tub? 

A wood paneled hot tub?

In their front yard?

This possibly changes everything.

Nice quaint guest bedroom/nursery/satanic ritual room #1. 

Lots of demons conjured in here you can feel it through the picture. Perfect spot to setup your kids crib or racecar bed which will inevitably lead to needing a priest to perform an exorcism around their 7th birthday. 

Murder & torture room/guest bedroom #2

No ensuite really takes away from what would otherwise be a great 2nd bedroom. Love all the natural light.

Anybody that's seen Breaking Bad knows that this bathtub has seen A LOT of hydrofluoric acid and dissolved bodies. 

Master Bedroom. Fireplace. Two windows with bars over them. Sacrificial burn marks in the middle of the room. Nothing a little sand and stain won't take care of.

Master Bath is a bit cramped. But that mirror is everything. You don't even need to say Bloody Mary 10 times into it. She just comes automatically anytime you look into it. Big value add.

Living room is spacious. Is that wall load bearing? Would be great if you could blow it out and really open up the room and kitchen. 

Speaking of kitchen. Let's take a peak. 

My big shot realtor friends are always saying that "kitchens sell homes". 

Well now I get it. 

I was on the fence about this place until seeing this kitchen.

(is that a Hooters magnet on the fridge?)

I'm sold.

I love what they did with the backsplash and the vines coming in through the window. So green. 

I will never understand New York.

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