Coach O Returns to Pardon My Take and Gives an Update on His Relationship With Ray Baker

To send you into the weekend, a fan-favorite recurring guest joined Pardon My Take. That's right, LSU Head Coach Ed Orgeron hopped on the pod with Mr. Cat and Mr. Commenter to discuss his new book, "Flip The Script," achieving his dreams, Joe Burrow, and much more. In addition to all this, the guys reminisced on longtime friend Ray Baker, aka the sun, and Coach O's running hobby. Here is how that went down:

Mr. Cat: How's the running in the sun going? Because I feel like ever since we talked about it, Ray Baker, a couple of years ago, PFT and I, and the Pardon My Take Twitter account, we get tagged all the time in videos of you running around on campus underneath Ray Baker, just getting friends with Ray Baker. Are you training for something? Are you going to run a marathon? What's going on?

Coach O: Oh man, you know what, during COVID we had a lot of time off, and I'm single now, so I have a lot of time. So, I decided to start running two hours a day on the weekends. Two hours on Friday, two hours on Saturday, two hours on Sunday, and then the sun at 12:00. And I go run some stadiums, I think I lost about 25 pounds, feel better. I love to run, and now I have free time, so I'm with Ray Baker as much as I can. 

Mr. Cat: So, you're running, I didn't notice any headphones in. Are you running with no music? 

Coach O: I got enough noise in my head I don't need music. 

Mr. Cat: That's incredible. Two hours on Friday, two hours Saturday, two hours Sunday, no music. Just sitting out there in the Louisiana sun, just roasting. That's a Football Guy.

Coach O: Yeah, loving it.

Mr. Commenter: What are you thinking about when you're running? Are you thinking about work or you do just turn your head off?

Coach O: Everything. Everything passes my mind, I get clarity. I get ideas for work, I get ideas for recruiting, I think about my family, I think about other things. I enjoy it, I really enjoy it. You know what? I met a lot of good people on my run. People stop, want to take pictures with Coach O, and get to meet a lot of people, so it's been fun. 

Mr. Commenter: Plus, if you dropped 20 pounds, might as well flaunt it, right? Take the shirt off, show off the six pack that you're working on. You're more than willing to take pictures. What's your mile time? It doesn't look like you're burning up the track, but you're not going to be stopped. You're like a cannonball. 

Coach O: No, it's a slow, old man's run. I've been ridiculed for that. When you're 59, you run like you walk. 

Mr. Commenter: That's what I'm saying. You're moving, you're not stopping, you're keeping a pace that's going, and if you can keep anything up for more than two hours, that's more than I can do. 

Mr. Commenter: Yes, have you run on the beach since that fall, that viral fall? 

Coach O: Oh, no. I haven't been back. That was enough.

Mr. Cat: That's smart. Yeah, just keep to the pavement now. No more chasing, I think you were chasing a little kid on the beach and you fell. That was an all-time video that was not you, for anyone who doesn't understand the joke there.

I mean, how can you not root for this guy? Coach O just goes out on his daily jogs takes pictures with everyone around campus, and goes on with his day. Hopefully LSU can secure a big time road win at Auburn tomorrow. Geaux Tigers.

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