Take A Look At These Morons Who Have No Idea How To Play Catch With A Frisbee



What the hell?  Are they trolling us here?  It almost feels like they have to be.  Nobody is that stupid.  Nobody in their right mind thinks that’s the correct way to throw a frisbee.  These are grown men we’re talking about.  Not a couple of toddlers who have never seen a frisbee thrown the right way before.  Between the two of them, one of them has to have seen another human being throw a frisbee before.  It’s simple math.  What they’re doing doesn’t even look fun. Every time they throw it to each other the frisbee splashes water in their face. There’s a better way, guys.  I promise.  This is how I’d expect aliens to react to frisbees if they landed on Earth and didn’t know what the fuck a frisbee was.  Also, at least part of the blame has to fall on the people at that beach standing around letting it happen.  Somebody say something! I watched them do it for less than a minute and wanted to crawl through my computer screen and tell them how stupid they look.  Somebody take the initiative.

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