George Karl Hopped On Twitter To Take Some Shots At DeMarcus Cousins

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Clears throat

The last time George Karl coached DeMarcus Cousins was the 2015-16 season. The Kings won 33 games, finished 10th in the West and it ultimately ended up being George Karl's final season as a coach. You would think that after all this time any sort of beef he may have had during his NBA days would be squashed. That may be true for some, but is without a doubt not the case when it comes to DeMarcus Cousins. These two hate each other like poison. I'm actually impressed George can hold this type of grudge despite his old age. The man is 69 years old! If you think that's going to stop him from talking on Twitter, well you haven't been paying attention to George Karl lately.

So where did this all start with Boogie? Waaaaaay back to 2015 of course

Boogie was upset that Karl said he was no longer untradable. The horror! Then there was a postgame blow up after a loss to the Spurs, then game a 1 game suspension later in 2016 that Boogie pretty much put all on Karl. It's all really silly when you think about it. Boogie at that time wasn't exactly a model player and teammate, and I'm sure Karl was a hardass old school coach who was probably a dick. Of course they were going to butt heads.

But here we are, now in 2020 and George Karl is still throwing shade. I would LOVE to see that one on one interview. Both are pretty much out of the league, so why not take the gloves off and let the true feelings flow. Somehow, someway we need to make that sit down happen and put everything on the table. Fully unedited version. I'd pay like $9.99 for that.

Twitter man, can't believe this app is free.

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