Carole-Fucking-Baskin Just Came Out Of The Closet As Bisexual

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*Presses Play*

^^That's pretty much where I'm at. Am I surprised Carole is bisexual? Of course not- she runs a tiger farm in south Florida with her submissive life partner and is an avid lover of Athankyou. I'm just more ashamed that we have to add another lunatic to the roster. I would've much rather preferred to add a Shawn Mendes or a Lil Xan. I feel the reception would've been warmer for a those twinks than it has been for a middle-aged mesomorph. Regardless, here's Carole's announcement which quickly devolved into her bitching about Joe Exotic... 

For those of you who didn't feel like pressing play, here's the basic gist…

Source - The 'Tiger King' and 'DWTS' star just came out as bisexual … Carole tells PinkNews she discovered her truth back during the AIDS crisis in the 80s when she was spending lots of time with the LGBT+ community.

While it's a surprise to some folks, Carole says she's always considered herself bisexual and feels she might have been born in the wrong body because growing up she was a tomboy.

The Big Cat Rescue owner says everything she did as a child was male-oriented … she didn't have any mothering instincts and never played with dolls, which led her to start thinking something about her was different.

Carole says she finally put her finger on it in the 80s when she was dating a psychologist who was immersed in the LGBT+ community. It was then Carole says she realized she had the same feelings for men and women.

And there you have it, Carole-Fucking-Baskin is bisexual. 2020 just keeps getting better. We dive more into Carol's story amongst other thing's in this week's Out & About… 

Rone also joined the program which was hilarious as expected…

You can listen the whole episode HERE. Welcome to the tribe, Carole.

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