The Mother Of The Kid From The Walmart Fight Claims He's An Honor Roll Student And Teacher's Pet


BEECH GROVE, Ind. One of the women involved in a fight inside an Indiana Wal-Mart said the altercation started over an alleged racist comment. A woman named Amber called the Smiley Morning Show on WZPL to talk about the fight. She told the hosts she was in Wal-Mart when she heard a woman on a motorized scooter, a woman she would later fight, refer to an employee as a “n*****.”“(The woman) was sitting there yelling at an employee at Wal-Mart, and she was telling her that she was a n***** and that she was going to get out of the chair and whoop her a**,” the woman said. “So in my defense, I was standing up for the employee.”By the time police arrived, Amber said the fight was over. She also talked about the role her son played in the fight. “ My son takes martial arts classes. He’s been going to the gym for several years with his father. I mean, he’s been in the gym for a long time,” she said. “He got a little crazy. I don’t have to worry about him ever being bullied.”She described the boy as an honor roll student and teacher’s pet. She said his martial arts teachers have taught him not to back down.“My son is raised perfectly right. My son is perfectly well taken care of,” she told WZPL.



Well that’s the greatest lie ever told in the history of the internet. Like lady tell me you don’t like my firm, tell me you don’t like my idea,tell me you don’t like my fuckin neck tie, but don’t tell me your son is an honor roll student and teacher’s pet. No he’s not. He’s the devil plain and simple. There is zero chance your son is being raised perfectly right. He’d literally be better off being raised by a pack of wolves. Like we said in the rundown. Either let us tag him or put him out to pasture.

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