Worst Woman On Earth Coughs Her Way Off A Flight After Getting Booted For Refusing To Wear A Mask

Source - Anti-mask rants and dangerous COVID behavior aren't just a U.S. problem -- an angry passenger spewed her breath on fellow fliers when she was kicked off a UK flight.

The incident went down Sunday on an EasyJet flight from Belfast to Edinburgh. The woman is seen on video ranting and fuming about having been told to wear a face mask. She refused, so as she was getting the boot she yelled, "Everybody dies, you know that?!"

On her way out, the woman has the nerve to cough on passengers as she stomped down the aisle. 

About a half our ago I blogged about how good Vin Diesel's 2020 was going and for a brief moment I had forgotten about the outside world. For a brief moment everything was sunshine and roses and wiggle dickers on the beach. There was no corona, there was no pandemic, there was nothing but Dom Toretto and the over sexualized TikTok crew that is the sway house. Then I saw this video...

and was immediately brought back to reality. We talk about politics and corona breaking peoples brains' as a joke, but it's really not that funny. I mean it is, but it's not. Take this lady for instance...

The very thought having to wear a mask on the plane was enough to drive her so crazy she COUGHED ON PEOPLE on her way off the flight. She was probably (hopefully) drunk, but still. Who does that? Is it really that bad? Suck it up and put the mask on for a few hours, you lunatic. Even if you don't think it's doing anything, other people do. Be a human and make them feel comfortable. And if you're a passenger who gets coughed on what do you do? Nothing. You just sit there and hope you don't get sprayed. I guess the whole situation just blows my mind. 

Here's what a rep for the airline had to say: 

A spokesperson for EasyJet tells TMZ … police responded, "due to a passenger behaving disruptively onboard and refusing to wear their face covering." It's unclear if she was arrested or cited.

The spokesperson added current guidelines require all passengers to wear face coverings and, continued, "We will not tolerate disruptive [behavior] towards other passengers and crew."

Brutal. That said, as crazy as it sounds, I'd be lying if I said her accent didn't add a little levity to the situation."Every-buddy fookin' dies!" Nothing grosser than a working class English accent. Oh well. Hopefully everyone on the flight was able to get where they were going without too much of a delay. It looks like they booted her pretty quick so chances are things worked out in the end. Obey the rules, people. It's not that hard. 

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