Ed Sheeran Singing "Trap Queen" Is Just Fucking Fire






Always some of my favorite videos, a musician taking a rap song, slowing it down and going acoustic. Such an absurd juxtaposition to hear those lyrics slowed down and sung by a white boy so it’s always hilarious. But guess what? This one is a smash hit on top of being funny. Hot, hot heat. Not sure when the last time Sheeran missed on a song was, but it ain’t today that’s for sure. If only he didn’t look a bit like me/a bit like a gremlin he’d be the biggest musician in history because Ed Sheeran does one thing and one thing only, that’s make hits.




PS – Love the piano player in the Roots just breaking down at the end. Only so many times you can hear a ginger Brit sing about cooking pies and giving sacks to Esterol us to roll (I’m dumb) before you lose it.


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