Marc Summers Wants to Bring Back "Double Dare" For Colleges

HufPo - Anyone who grew up in the late ’80s or early ’90s probably has fond memories of Marc Summers. As the host of the wildly popular “Double Dare,” Summers ingrained himself into pop culture until the show’s cancellation in 1993. In a HuffPost Live conversation Monday, Summers says he wants to bring “Double Dare” back. “Here’s the deal. I would love to do some form or fashion of it. Let’s just say that right now … the people who run the Nickelodeon network and I don’t necessarily see eye to eye,” Summers told host Josh Zepps. “I’ve been trying to make nice to those people, but they refuse to talk to me.” Summers added that he may not be the demographic Nickelodeon is looking for. “I think they think I’m way too old to do it. I still have the energy and I think I could,” Summers said. “So I’m putting a call out to the folks at Nick: return the phone calls, have a discussion.”


The video of him talking about it is auto-play so fuck that, and then the article underneath left out the most important part of the entire thing- he said he wants to bring it back for colleges. And it’s probably the smartest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say in a long time. Imagine a Double Dare show that goes campus to campus and does some sort of beer olympics/Double Dare type thing. Fuck, we should be setting this up and hiring some Marc Summers rip off if Nickelodeon isn’t going to do it. I guess they just hate printing money? Is that it? How do I make my own traveling Double Dare tour? Someone let me know.

PS: Some of my favorite blogs was way back when I did the best ticket stub you own blogs. Seeing Double Dare live and in person will go down in history as the most valuable ticket stub this side of the Titanic, and I lived to tell about it. Some people are born to be football players. Some people are born to be doctors. Marc Summers was born to host Double Dare. Let him have his dang job back.


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