Giants Postgame Recap And Laps: 37-34 Loss To Cowboys

90% of Giants fans after watching the shreds of optimism in that video:

Losing to the Cowboys never feels good but fuck this one hurt. I love this defense but the offense needs to get better. Penalties wiping two touchdowns off the board will cause me to lose whatever little sleep I actually get these days (you see the bags under those eyes) along with that holding no-call and missed tackle on that last drive. 

Despite all that and an absolute nightmare start, the G-Men are still somehow 2 games out of first in the NFC East with two more divisional games over the next two weeks and the leader of that division losing their QB for the season today. Speaking of which, the next time I see a picture of Dak's ankle will be too soon. That was fucked, just like everything else right now. At least we have a coach who seems to care now, which counts for something I guess?

We're on to Washington. Professional Football Team. Of The District Of Columbia. Football Team.

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